Readings in Toki Pona
The section contains basic information about the structure
of the Toki Pona language.
- A Graphic Grammar of Toki Pona
(PDF 2 pages)
A brief description of the main points of Toki Pona grammar,
in English with examples in sitelen pona.
- A Graphic Dictionary of Toki Pona
(PDF 5 pages)
The words of Toki Pona arranged by what they look like in the
sitlen pona script, followed
by definitions in English. This is intended to be useful
while learning to read texts written in sitelen pona.
- All the symbols on one page
(PDF 1 page1)
Just the glyph table from the Graphic Dictionary with all the
words on a single page.
These are articles or stories translated into Toki Pona by
various people and presented as pages that can be printed out and
studied offline for reading practice. They are entirely in
sitelen pona hieroglyphics without English.
- Einstein on Relativity
(PDF 4 pages)
An article by Albert Einstein explaining the
Theory of Relativity in simple terms, translated by jan Tepu.
- Pooh Stories
(PDF 7 pages)
Three episodes from the book
Winnie the Pooh
by A. A. Milne, translated by jan Tepu.
Interesting fact: the copyright on the Pooh stories
expired on January 1, 2022.
- Dictionary of Toki Pona in just Toki Pona
(PDF 6 pages)
This is jan Tepu's dictionary reformatted to print compactly
on paper. The definitions are themselves in Toki Pona.
All formatting was done with the LaTeX family of typesetting
programs and using the
linja pona font by jan Wesi, jan Same, and
jan Tepu. Some of the more complex compound glyphs have
been simplified to help beginning readers or those with poor eyesight.